True sacrifice (Monday, Week 6, Year 1)

In the story of Cain and Abel, what baffles me most is the reason for the murder; the Scripture articulates it in the following words: “The Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard” (Gen 4:4b-5). From this, it is clear to us that Cain killed his brother just for a very flimsy reason: because God had no regard for his own offering; because God rejected his sacrifice. He killed for the sake of sacrifice. Maybe, he did not remember that the acceptability of any sacrifice is not dependent on the quantity and quality of the offering or the item of sacrifice made to God. It is not so much about the gifts offered, but about the HEART that offers the gifts. And that is why the Psalmist quickly interjects and tells us what God actually wants from us: “Do I eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? Offer to God a SACRIFICE OF THANKSGIVING, and pay your vows to the Most High.’” (Ps 50:13-14.16).

God is not so much concerned about the bulls or the goats that we bring to him. He is not so much interested in our elaborate ceremonies and cultic observances. He looks at the heart that offers. What are the contents of the heart? The Bible says, “Offer to God a sacrifice of thanksgiving and praise” (cf. Ps. 50:14). Genuine praises and sacrifices of thanksgiving can only emanate from pure hearts. Goodness can only surge from a heart free from evil. Thus, it becomes a sheer waste of time when a “wicked heart” recites God’s commandment and makes a show of offering sacrifices to God. The acceptability of any sacrifice is dependent on the heart that offers! Had Cain understood this and taken it to heart, he would not have killed his only brother? He would have rather sought out ways to make his own sacrifices acceptable to God.

Making a show of offering sacrifices to God is not a true sign of right relationship with God; and it is not indicative of the fact that we have won God’s approval. We can’t go to God through fanatical attachment to laws and externalities. Jesus remains “the way, the truth and the life” (Jn 14:6). We can’t get LIFE from dry externalism: legalism and ritualism. We can’t find the TRUTH in the number of bulls and goats we slaughter. We can’t find a WAY to the Father through the smoke of our “external” sacrificial activities. Jesus remains the way, the truth and the life! Just like the Pharisees, why do we seek signs, miracles and wonders?  (cf. Mk 8:11-13) These things won’t lead us anywhere if we do not purify our hearts and seek God in spirit and truth.


Lord, purify my hearts and intentions that I may always offer you always and everywhere a perfect sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving through my life, Amen!

Have a great day and week!


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