Love of God versus Love of the World (December 30)

In 1 John 2:12-17, John addresses three groups of people (little children, fathers and young men) in which every one of us can perfectly fix himself or herself. On account of the revelation of God in and through Christ, St John strongly believes that we are now forgiven, that we can now claim a better knowledge of God, that we are now stronger, better equipped with God’s Word and are now victorious over the Evil One.

From the above, we learn that the coming of Christ has brought about FORGIVENESS of sins, RECONCILIATION with God, FULL REVELATION of God’s face and ASSURANCE of victory over the Evil One. These are clear expressions of God’s special love for all of us. And on the basis of that special love, St John advises us not to love the world or the things of the “world”. Here, the “world” is a metaphor of anything that is UNGODLY, EVIL and UNRIGHTEOUS. So, to love the “world” is to hate God: “If any one loves the world, love for the Father is not in him” (1 Jn. 2:15).

Sometimes, we erroneously think that difficulties and challenges in life are sufficient enough to dissuade us from loving God as we ought to. Maybe, the life of Anna the old widow (cf. Luke 2:36-40) may help us understand that our love for God should never be dependent on the circumstances of life. Seven years after marriage, Anna was thrown into the wide ocean of widowhood, and may not have been free from the attendant travails of widowhood in such a male-chauvinistic Jewish culture. As a widow, she must have known rejections, pains, harassments, abandonment, deprivations and agony. Despite all of the above, she lived her life in worship, in gratitude and in humble service to God. Her love for God was not dependent on the circumstances of life. For eighty-four years and still counting, she remained faithful to God. Anna’s life is a good example to us.

If we can always remember what God has done for us in and through Christ, circumstances of life won’t be enough to dissuade or stop us from loving Him as we ought to. In Christ, we have been reconciled with God and with one another! In Christ we have been forgiven! In Christ we've seen the face of the Father! In Christ, we've become strong and are now victorious over the Evil One. If we have truly known Christ and clearly understood why He came in the flesh, we will have every reason to be ever grateful to God by LOVING Him so dearly irrespective of our life situations and circumstances! 


May the love of the Father continue to compel us to give ourselves in humble service to Him and to humanity, Amen! 

Have a lovely day!


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