Love begets love (December 21)

I have clearly understood that LOVE is a very powerful emotion. It can make the “hard-hearted” become soft. It can make a lion act like a lamb. Sometimes, it can even make a wise person appear stupid. That is the NATURE and POWER of love! And that is the nature of the God who we expect. In fact, that is what He is and who He is. It is easier for me to describe God as love than as any other thing. I don’t need to read theological books for me to understand that God is love. His words, His thoughts and actions towards me have fully convinced me that He is nothing but love.

God beautifully created us, gave us power and authority over created things and placed us in a palace of palatial beauty and wonder. All of these were pure acts of love! Even when we sinned and disobeyed Him, He still FEELS for us. Yes, we may continue to sin but we are still the BELOVED of God! We are still the “apple” of His eyes. Just as it is described in the Song of Solomon (2:8-14), our voices still soften God’s heart; they are still sweet to his ears; our faces are still beautiful for Him to behold. That is why He came to us in the flesh. He loved us and will never be tired of loving us.

In Luke 1:39-45, it is presumed that Mary was already pregnant with God who is love. She had God in her. That is why she couldn’t but act in love. With haste, she arose and travelled into the hill country to visit and help her old kinswoman Elizabeth who was pregnant. When Elizabeth encountered the love which Mary brought, there was an explosion of joy: the child in her womb leapt for joy and Elizabeth herself was filled with joy and the Holy Spirit.

When we carry God in us, we carry LOVE. When we carry love in us, our encounters with people cannot but exude love, liberation and joy. When love takes flesh in us, we spread the fragrance of joy around even when there are suffering and difficulties. During this season and beyond, let it be seen that we carry God in us. Just like Mary responded to Elizabeth, let us be quick to offer help to those in need; quick to speak words of consolation to those in sorrow; quick to identify with the abandoned and the lonely; quick to dish out gifts to those in need; quick to visit the sick and the imprisoned; etc. We will be surprised to see that we end up making a great fire of love, joy and happiness in the world.

God, you are love and out of love you came to me and saved me. May your coming bring about the incarnation of love in me, Amen.

Have a blessed and lovely day!


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