Unbreakable Covenant (December 17)

You're welcome to the OCTAVE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, beginning from today, December 17!

When God entered into a covenant with Abraham, He pronounced blessings upon him and promised that he would be a father of many nations (cf. Gen. 12:1-3); and that his descendants would be as many as the stars of heaven (cf. Gen. 26:4). Abraham accepted it with faith; but he died without seeing the multitude of descendants that God promised him. In fact, thousands of years have gone by, God’s PROMISE OF MULTITUDE OF DESCENDANTS TO ABRAHAM continues to unfold. When God promises, He never fails! Years may roll by, but God can never renege on his promises!

In Gen. 49:2.8-10, Jacob pronounced God’s blessings on Judah that “the scepter shall never depart from him, nor the ruler’s staff between his feet, until tribute comes to whom it belongs; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples”. Again, it took so many years before this blessing of kingship finally came to full realization in Christ. Even before the blessing and promise fully came to fulfillment in Christ, it made its way through the most unlikely circumstances, through generations of men and women (some of whom were of impure breed, some were of very questionable character) until it finally rested on Christ the King the Son of Joseph, the Son of David from the tribe of Judah in the lineage of Abraham.

A closer look at the genealogy (ancestral line) of Jesus as recorded by Matthew (1:1-17) manifestly reveals the identity of certain individuals of very dubious character who ordinarily should not have been chosen to be part of the ancestry of Jesus the Holy One, the God-made-man. I am sure many must have wondered why and how Rahab, a HARLOT of Jericho (cf. Joshua 2:1-7), became part of the ancestry of Jesus. Again, who would have ever thought or imagined that somebody like Tamar, a DELIBERATE SEDUCER AND AN ADULTERESS (cf. Gen. 38:1-30), should ever be part of the ancestral line of Jesus the Righteous and Holy One? Who could have ever imagined that Ruth, a Moabitess (from an alien and hated race, not from the Jewish race – cf. Ruth 1:4; Deut. 23:3) would ever be counted as part of Jesus’ ancestry? Who could have ever believed that Rehoboam, the man who brought about the historic scandalous division of Israel (cf. 1 Kings 12-16), would ever qualify to be counted as one of the ancestors of Jesus? Who could have ever wrapped his/her head around the fact that Bathsheba, the wife of Uriah with whom David committed adultery (cf. 2 Sam. 11:1-27; 12:1-31), would ever be considered pure enough to be part of the genealogy of Jesus? We can go on and on!

From all of the above, we can hold on to one fact: When God promises, He never fails to deliver no matter the seeming obstacles. When He commits Himself to bless anyone, He never backs out of it no matter the circumstance(s). In God’s scheme of things, everything works unto good. If you think that God doesn’t have something specially packaged for you just because of certain ugly realities of your life, please think again. God could never have created you for nothing. 

May this octave before Christmas be a starting point of your journey to renewed faith, self-discovery, self-appraisal and self-motivation for greater impacts in Christ, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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