A Childlike World, A Peaceful World (Tuesday, Advent 1)


A world of justice and peace is possible if we imbibe the spirit of a child. Let us pray for such a spirit and begin to work for the actualization of such a world.


During this period, we will be reading from Isaiah’s prophecy to the suffering Jews on exile, a prophecy about their future redemption and all that will accompany it. But I don’t think Isaiah wanted them to relax and wait until that time comes before they could begin to put into practice what Isaiah prophesied about. It was an invitation for them to have an active hope: the kind of hope a serious student (the hope of passing his exams in future) should have; the kind of hope that should put a student him in the mood of preparation and seriousness in the present.

As we listen to today’s reading from Isaiah 11:1-10, we might think it is from a child’s story book. The wolf which is a natural enemy to a lamb “ON THAT DAY” will become a lamb’s guest and friend; the wolf and calf “ON THAT DAY” will be found to be browsing and playing together with a little child. All these were envisioned and written not to entertain children but to teach adults how they should live. That was Isaiah’s vision of the future when the Messiah will have arrived. Note that all these peaceful events will occur on the mountain – a common location for God’s special presence – rather than down in the dark and cold valley. We should be asking ourselves: can we dream of world peace, believe in it and work for it as Isaiah envisioned?

Yes, we can, provided we imbibe the simplicity of children. In the gospel (Luke 10:21-24), Jesus thanks His Father for revealing the mysteries of the Kingdom to infants (children). Why? Because of their childlike spirit, infants are very humble, pliable and ever ready to learn, un-learn and re-learn. They are ever ready to learn about the mysteries of God’s kingdom and to work for it. Children seem to trust animals and humans alike. Take a child to a zoo; and he or she will be longing to jump in and even touch the animals not even minding or thinking about the dangerous implication of hobnobbing with wild animals. That is trust! I watched a WhatsApp video of a child cuddling a dog and being bitten by the same dog. It never occurred to him that such would happen. That is children for you! They really want to embrace all life around them. It is as if the whole world is their friend. If we adults relate to each other in the same that children do, a world of justice and peace based on equality will not remain a dream, but become a reality.       


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