He is also our Teacher (Saturday, Advent 1)

When I was in school, I hated to see teachers who gave us a lot of assignments to be written and submitted. I hated to hear that there would be exams. At times, I hated to be reminded that there would be more and more lectures to be had even during the revision period. In few words, when I was in school I hated it rough but wanted everything to go the “soft way”: few lectures, few and simple assignments, simpler exam questions, no strict marking scheme, etc. But I was wrong. Later in life, I came to realize that the path to success is narrow and tough. And it is only those who LISTEN and FOLLOW such path that can “smile” at last. To all my “tough” teachers, I must be forever grateful! 

Isaiah tells us that “the Lord (whose coming we expect and prepare for) will be our TEACHER; He will not hide himself anymore. Our ears shall hear a word from Him, saying, ‘THIS IS THE WAY, WALK IN IT’” (cf. Isa. 30:20-21). When God came in time and became a man like us in the person of Christ, He went about feeding the hungry; healing the sick; casting out demons and raising the dead. But He also went about PREACHING the gospel and TEACHING people the WAY.

Just as He commissioned the Twelve (cf. Matt. 9:35-10:1.5a.6-8), He has also commissioned us and given us so much power and authority to feed the hungry, heal the sick, cast out demons and do mighty deeds in His name. He has also instructed us to preach and teach His way.

Christ our Teacher and Master must be surprised to hear that many of us are now strongly desirous for miracles, signs and wonders but have no real hunger for His words and teachings. We must be disciplined enough to listen to Him always and follow His path of discipleship if we really want to be counted as His true disciples.

May we not forget that JESUS OUR MIRACLE WORKER is also OUR MASTER and TEACHER! 

May we increasingly grow in the act of listening to His words and following His footsteps, Amen!


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