…In the Power of the Holy Spirit (Saturday, Easter 3, 2021)

Reference texts: Acts 9:31-42; John 6:60-69

In Acts 9:31b, we are told that: “Walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit, the early Church multiplied”. From this expression, it should be clear to everyone that the Holy Spirit was and still remains the principal actor responsible for the growth and sustenance of the Church. I have not seen where it is written in the Bible that the Church grew because of the great sermons of the apostles or because of the miracles, signs and wonders done by them. The Spirit was the main agent. In fact, the story of the early Church is basically the story of the acts of the Holy Spirit: the Spirit was manifestly operative in the church.

The early Christians never dared to begin anything without invoking the help of the Holy Spirit. In Acts 1:15-26, the disciples invoked the assistance of the Holy Spirit before they conducted the election that brought in Matthias to fill the space left by Judas. In Acts 2, when the disciples were all together in one place, the Spirit filled the entire house where they were sitting. In Acts 15:28, at their deliberations during the First Council of the Church, the Spirit was manifestly present. The language was always “WE AND THE HOLY SPIRIT”.

We can’t be closely connected to the Spirit and not have the grace to walk in the fear of the Lord. And that is why it is written that the early Christians walked in the fear of the Lord. We can’t be intimately connected to the Holy Spirit and not be filled with the grace of understanding and accepting divine truths. In John 6:60-69, some disciples of Jesus left Him because He said that His flesh is food indeed and His blood is drink indeed. Such a hard teaching can only be understood and accepted by those who are open to the Spirit. Those who live and think in the flesh will dismiss it as rubbish. And that is why Jesus remarked that “it is the Spirit that gives life; the flesh is of no avail” (cf. John 6:63).

The Holy Spirit seems to be greatly neglected in our time. The indices are clear. Scandals are on the rise. Culpable ignorance has put many on their knees. Many have been blown away by the wind of every doctrine. Miracles, signs and wonders are now seen as clear signs of a true or authentic Christianity. But we seem to have quickly forgotten that the devil can also do “signs” and “wonders”. There seem to be no serious efforts on the part of the church leaders to exhort members of the Church to virtuous living. These are some among the many reasons why we need the Holy Spirit more than ever in our time.

From today, let's resolve to make the Spirit our intimate friend! And He will assist us with His gifts that will enable us to live virtuously and understand the truths of our faith. With these, we will continue to bear lasting witness to Jesus in the world and in this manner draw many souls to Him.


Come Holy Spirit, fill our hearts! And enkindle in us the fire of Your love, Amen!

Have a Spirit-filled day!


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