Darkness versus Light (Wednesday, Easter 2, 2021)


Still on Jesus’ conversation with Nicodemus, a reference is made to light: “the light has come into the world but men have preferred darkness to the light because their deeds are evil” (Jn. 3:19). Thinking about light, we may have to take note of the following. Light cannot be hidden. It cannot but shine. No matter how thick darkness is, it must naturally be overpowered by light. In fact, light is much more visible and stronger in the dark. Just as light is much more visible in the dark, so should faith be much more visible and stronger in moments of trials.

As recorded in Acts 5:17-26: in the darkness of persecution, the faith of the apostles became much more visible and stronger. After the resurrection of Jesus and the coming of the Pentecost, they were thrown into the darkness of persecution. But they were very confident that darkness will never be victorious over light. They were constantly threatened; sometimes, even arrested and imprisoned. But all these never stopped them. One even wonders why the Jewish leaders (who were living in the DARKNESS of unbelief and wickedness) think that they can imprison, stop, frustrate or defeat the disciples (who were upholding the LIGHT of the gospel). Of course, DARKNESS will never and can never overthrow the LIGHT. To think, believe and live as if darkness is more powerful than the light is to live in a fool’s paradise.

In our times, we cannot deny the reality of darkness all around us. But we should not forget that even a flicker of light is powerful enough to drive darkness away. Yes, our situation may be very terrible, but our little ray (or flicker) of faith can help us see and understand that “the God who sent His only Begotten Son out of His love for the world” (cf. Jn. 3:16) will never withdraw His love from us. Certain life situations such as a loss of a family member, business, a job or something so much cherished may throw us into darkness. But if we can always remember and strongly believe that even in darkness God is still there for us, then we should never feel defeated in any way.


As we bear witness to Jesus the light, may we never be drawn back by any form of darkness, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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