Be an Agent of Truth (Saturday, Easter Octave, 2021)

In Mk. 16:9-15, we see a certain form of unbelief or incredulity (that is, not being sure of what was heard or seen) clearly evident in the Eleven Disciples "who were upbraided by Jesus for their unbelief" (cf. Mk. 16:14). In Acts 4:13-21, we see some form of obstinacy or stubbornness of heart (that is, being sure of what was heard or seen but refusing to believe) clearly evident in the Jewish rulers, elders and scribes who saw the mighty power of God at work in the disciples but refused to believe (cf. Acts 4:13-21).

As at the time of the resurrection, there was already some tension between Judaism (the  orthodox Jewish religion) and Christianity (the new religious movement championed by the apostles). Judaism didn’t want to become extinct because the new movement (i.e. Christianity) was becoming more popular. The apostles were performing signs and wonders; they were preaching; people believed; and more people were added to their number.


The Jewish leaders felt threatened and intimidated by the success of the apostles; and this clearly explains why they didn’t want the apostles to preach again in the name of Jesus. They didn’t want to lose their Jewish religious heritage. They were all out to cover and if possible destroy the truth. But one thing about truth is that it is like pregnancy: it can’t be hidden or suppressed. Truth is like sunshine, it must shine despite the opposing factors. Truth must always prevail.

As we have it in the Acts of the Apostles, the apostles proclaimed the truth despite all odds. Jesus clearly enjoined them in Mark 16:15 “to go into the whole world and proclaim the good news to the whole creation”. They had no option but to proclaim the truth. Intimidations, persecutions and terror were unleashed on them, but they were not deterred: they continued to proclaim the truth and the wonders of the Risen Lord.

May we learn to stand by and for the truth. Suppressing the truth is like pouring water on a stone. It’s just a sheer waste of time! On a very good day, the truth must surely be seen and heard by many; it must certainly prevail. Let us not waste lives, time, energy and resources trying to COVER "SOMETHING" that cannot be permanently covered. Be an agent of truth.    


Lord Jesus, help us not to be tired or afraid of proclaiming what we have seen and heard, Amen!

Have a restful weekend!


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