He came that we may have life (Monday, Easter 4, 2021)

After the resurrection of Jesus and the coming of the Holy Spirit, there were massive conversions to Christ in and outside Jerusalem. The wind of the Spirit continued to blow, penetrating consciences and hearts, and disposing many men and women to experience the resurrection reality. Acts of the Apostles furnishes us with the conversion stories of certain individuals who experienced that power, not just outside the Church but even within the Church (the early Christian community).

Some Jewish converts within the early church were still strongly Jewish in their mentality and belief. They were described as the circumcision party, and they maintained that the circumcised should have nothing to do with the uncircumcised. That is why they criticized Peter for going to the uncircumcised (cf. Acts 11:1-18). Though they were Christians, nevertheless they too needed to be converted: they needed a change of mentality so that they could begin to think and live in imitation of Christ the door of the sheep “who came that all may have life and have it abundantly” (cf. Jn. 10:10b). They too needed to open themselves to the Spirit in order to understand that the wind blows wherever it wills. Peter’s response became an opportunity for them to learn that “…to the Gentiles (the uncircumcised) also God has granted repentance unto life” (Acts 11:18).

This Easter season should also be a special period of conversion for us. For reasons best known to us, we may have placed some persons on the fringes of the society or the faith community. We may need to open ourselves more and more to the Spirit so that we would be constantly reminded that God has no favorites; and that the Spirit blows wherever it wills. Let us not make the mistake of thinking that we can cage the vibrations of grace or see ourselves as the sole dispensers of the gifts of God.


Spirit of God, we totally surrender ourselves that we may be taught and directed aright!

Have a blessed day!


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