The leaven of sin (Tuesday, Week 6, Year 1)

In Chemistry, we learn that yeast is a fungus that ferments (or breaks down) carbohydrates. In the bakery, yeast is used as a leavening which converts fermentable sugars present in the dough into carbon dioxide and ethanol, thus resulting in the fluffy loaves which we are familiar with. One thing about a yeast is that a little of it (i.e. yeast or leaven) added to the flour grows and spreads right through the flour.

In bakery, yeast is very useful and indispensable. But in the scriptures, it is often used as a metaphor for sin or evil. Just like a yeast, a speckle of sin or evil can infiltrate the entire system and grow out of proportion.

In Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5,10, we see that what led to building of the ark was the cancerous growth of sin like a yeast. That single act of disobedience in the Garden of Eden degenerated into great acts of wickedness on the face of the earth. God observed that the wickedness of man was great and He regretted having created man. His next line of action was wiping out every living being by flood, except Noah who found favor with Him. This was the outcome of a situation that was ‘leavened’ by sin.

Similarly, in Mark 8:14-21, Jesus warned the disciples of the yeast (leaven) of the Pharisees and Herod. The leaven of the Pharisees is falsehood and domination. The leaven of Herod is power without morality. These yeasts are powerful enough to infiltrate and corrupt the minds of the disciples, making it difficult for them to see the power or action of God beyond the miracles or signs performed by Jesus. And that is why Jesus told them to “beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod”.

We live in an age that is being leavened by sin and evil that we often fail to perceive the goodness of God all around us. According to Catechism, “Sin wounds the nature of man and injures human solidarity” (CCC 1849-1850). A little act of sin could grow speedily and spread very fast like yeast; and if not checked, it could become a norm. Unfortunately, the result is very clear in our time. As the yeast of sin and evil spreads fast, people are already losing the consciousness of sin. The leaven of sin and evil has adopted different forms and shapes, and is even coming from unlikely quarters. Let us BEWARE!


Lord, may you take far away from us the leaven of evil no matter how it may appear, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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