Created in the image and likeness of God (Tuesday, Week 5, Year 1)


In the first reading, we get to the highpoint of God’s creative work: the creation of humankind in His own image and likeness: in the image of love, image of kindness, image of goodness. But it appears we have failed to reflect what we are (image of God) and have chosen to reflect what we are not (puppets or slaves to traditions and inhuman laws). 


Going through Gen. 1:20-2:4a, some questions readily come to mind: Why did God crown the human person and elevated him above all the creatures? Why did God not think of making some other creature in His own image and likeness? Why did He not command and empower another creature to have dominion over the entire creation? By and large, these questions reflect THE GOODNESS OF GOD SO MYSTERIOUS, SO INCOMPREHENSIBLE. No amount of thinking can completely untangle such puzzle! What has become clear, so to say, is that the beauty of the entire creation reached its apex at the creation of the human person. And that is why, after creating the human person, the Bible records that: “God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was VERY GOOD” (Gen 1:31).

Before God created the human person, He said: “LET US MAKE MAN IN OUR OWN IMAGE, AFTER OUR LIKENESS…” (Gen 1:26). Have you ever given a second thought to that expression? Obviously, the expression opens up a world of endless reflection and appreciation of divine initiative and love towards us. In that creation statement lies a clear portrayal of our definition, our essence and our potentialities! Therein lies a moving description of the enormous power and possibilities given to us.

Often, we fail to concentrate on and appropriate our God-given powers but prefer to give more attention to banalities and things that can reduce us to puppets! If the Pharisees had discovered the power that they possessed as humans, they would have channeled their thinking and efforts towards things that are more honorable, edifying and salutary instead of being preoccupied with fastidious attachment to mere tradition, rules and laws which they created. And that is why Christ rebuked them saying, “you have made void the word of God through your tradition which you hand on” (cf. Mark 7:1-13).

We're created in the image and likeness of God: created to LOVE, to be KIND, to embody GOODNESS and exude POWER. We were commanded and empowered to be FRUITFUL, to MULTIPLY and have DOMINION over the entire creation. We have left this very essential aspect of our nature, and have chosen to pursue shadows, reducing ourselves to slaves of traditions, laws and structures that make it difficult for God’s LOVE, GOODNESS and POWER to shine in and through us. We still have the POWER to change this sad narrative! We have an enormous power to bring about lasting positive revolutions in this world. Let's harness this POWER and begin to be more like God!        


May I never lose sight of my origin and the potentialities which I have, Amen!

Have a FRUITFUL day!


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