Reconciliation with God and with others (Friday, Lent 1)

Sometimes, we tend to be more comfortable with the belief that God will punish us if we die in sin. Upon further reflection, I choose to stick more to the belief that whatever that happens to us is a clear choice that we’ve made for ourselves. The earlier we understand that our fate is dependent on our choices, the better for us. Through the prophet, God says that “He has no pleasure in the death of the wicked but that he should turn from his way and live” (cf. Ezek. 18:23). If we continue with sin and suffer the consequences, it is our choice. If we turn away and begin to reap the fruits of repentance and conversion, it is still our choice.

Inasmuch as we long to reconcile with God, we still have a condition which we must meet before we can be reconciled with God: and that is reconciliation with others. Jesus makes it clear that our relationship in God must flow from relationship with others: “If you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift” (Matt. 5:23-24).

Lenten season is a period we embark on a special journey of conversion and reconciliation with God. But that journey of conversion and reconciliation with God becomes a sheer waste of time if we do not sincerely seek reconciliation with others. We all seek and pray that God may set us free from the bondage of our sins. But some of us are still keeping others in the bondage of malice because we have refused to forgive and set them free of their offenses against us. The truth is that we can only get it right with God when we have chosen to get it right with ourselves and with others. The buck ALWAYS stops with us.        


As I seek reconciliation with you O God, help me understand that reconciliation with You makes no sense if I don't reconcile with others, Amen!

Have a Fruitful Lenten Journey!


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