Triumph of Goodness over Evil (Monday, Week 5, Year 1)

Prior to creation “the earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep” (Gen. 1:2)! At the beginning of creation, “God said, ‘Let there be LIGHT’; and there was LIGHT” (Gen. 1:3). Let's pay particular attention to these words: FORMLESSNESS, DARKNESS and LIGHT. The word “FORMLESSNESS” conveys an idea of drabness, shapelessness, tastelessness or gloominess. When something is without form, it means that it is uninteresting, bland, tasteless and shapeless. Correspondingly, the word “DARKNESS” connotes NEGATIVITY or EVIL. On the contrary, the word “LIGHT”, in the main, connotes GOODNESS or POSITIVITY.

In Genesis 1, we have a beautiful story of how God created and introduced light into the primeval darkness; how He created order out of a disordered space; and how He called THINGS into existence out of NOTHING. The creation and introduction of LIGHT into the primordial DARKNESS kick-started the triumph of GOODNESS over EVIL. And that is why it was continuously mentioned in the course of the creative process that “God saw that what He created was good”. And “He rejoices in His works” (cf. Psa. 104:31b).

God did not wrap up his creative activity in the book of Genesis. He goes on recreating; bringing order into disordered situations; introducing light into every form of darkness; and making goodness triumph over evil. This He has continued in and through Jesus Christ. And that is why Matt. 4:23 highlights that Jesus went about “preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom and healing every infirmity among the people”. John 1:9 describes Jesus as the true light that enlightens all people. The primary function of light is to dispel darkness.

In the Gospels, Jesus continues to dispel the darkness of ignorance that envelopes our minds. He goes on crushing the manifestations of evil in our lives. Mark 6:53-56 is a resounding testimony of the triumph of goodness over evil, and of light over the darkness of sickness in the lives of those who touched the fringe of Jesus’ garment.

The Jesus that healed many in the past is the same Jesus who continues to work in our time. Certain aspects of our lives have been invaded by darkness. Some vices have obviously kept us groping in the dark. Some attitudes have reduced us to nothing. We must seek out the healing rays of Christ’s LIGHT. He desires to recreate us and introduce some order into our disordered situations. In the Gospels, many sick people made a bold step of faith towards Him, and got healed. They cooperated with Jesus; and got what they wanted. Jesus needs our cooperation in order to heal and recreate us. The God who created us without our cooperation cannot save us without our cooperation (St. Augustine). Make that bold step of faith for your healing and liberation!


Lord, I surrender myself to You. Disperse every shade of darkness in me with the healing rays of Your LIGHT. Recreate me and make me whole again, Amen!

Have a blessed day and week!


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