Cleansed, Purified and Dedicated (The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, February 02))

Today, we celebrate the Feast of the Presentation or Dedication of the Lord to the Temple. 

The Prophet Malachi, prophesying many years before the coming of Christ, says that “the Lord whom we seek will suddenly come to his temple” (Mal 3:1). His prophecy is being fulfilled even as we celebrate this feast of Our Lord’s Presentation to the Temple.

Jesus has taken his full position in the Temple. Not only has He appeared in the Temple made with hands, He has fully taken up a larger space in the more exalted temples which our bodies are (cf. 1 Corinthians 6:19). Again, note that “He is like a refiner’s FIRE and like fullers’ SOAP; He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver… (Mal 3:2-3). The images of FIRE and SOAP are of great significance. Fire purifies; soap cleanses! As refiner’s fire, Jesus has come into us (His temple) in order to refine us and burn away every evil that lurks in our inner selves. As fuller’s soap, He has also come to cleanse the filth of sin that sticks to our souls and consciences.

To accomplish this task of purification and refining, the Letter to the Hebrews tells us that Jesus partook of our nature and made himself like us in every respect in order to destroy the one who has the power of death (i.e. the devil) and to make expiation for our sins (cf. Heb 2:14-18). Thus, today’s feast is not so much about Mary or about Jesus; it is for us! Jesus dwells in our souls, our bodies, our members. He has begun the work of purification and cleansing. And we are the ones being cleansed, purified and refined!

In Luke 2:22-40, Simeon the old man proclaims that his eyes have seen the salvation of the Lord; that his eyes have beheld the light for revelation to the Gentiles. We too have seen that salvation; we have seen the light of Christ penetrating our inner chambers and members. The light of Christ has penetrated the crevices of our consciences, revealing the evil and dark patches of our minds and hearts. Anna, an 84-year old widow, also gave thanks to God for the redemption of Jerusalem; for the redemption of the humanity by the intervention of Christ; for the redemption of our bodies and souls from corruption and futility.

We are carrying candles today to symbolize the entry of the light of Christ into our world full of darkness: darkness of sin, evil and unbelief. Let us then present ourselves for continual purification; for the inundation of our souls with the graces and merits of Jesus; for cleansing and sanctification. Let us lift high the gates of our hearts so that Christ the King of glory may enter! 


Christ our light, may the heat of Your presence melt away anything that is not of God that lurks in my conscience, heart and mind! May Your light illuminate my path as I follow You, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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