Strength in weakness (Monday, Week 4, Year 1)

Human weakness is a reality that can never be denied. No matter how strong and well-placed we may be, we are weak. Physically, sometimes we feel pains; and sometimes, we fall sick. Spiritually, weakness rears its ugly head as we grapple with temptations, sin and doubt; sometimes we are even overpowered by them. But faith in God is a powerful surge of energy which helps us surmount the obstacles put in place by our weakness. That is why somebody like St Paul was able to say that “when he is weak, he is strong”.   

In continuation with the discourse on faith, the letter to the Hebrews (11:32-40) expands his list of Jewish ancestors who through faith conquered kingdoms and did a whole lot in the name of God. We heard of ancestors like Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David and so on. Yes, they were individuals who grappled with obvious weaknesses; but through faith “they won strength out of weakness”.

The demon-possessed man in the gospel (cf. Mk. 5:1-20) had his own share of weakness: the weakness of demon possession. His situation was horrible: too violent that it was difficult to bind him with chains, night and day he stayed at graveside or on the mountains always crying out and bruising himself with stones. His encounter with Jesus changed his story and condition: from the weakness of demonic bondage into strength, strength of freedom in Christ. Cleansed and strengthened by Christ, he went away and began to proclaim the marvels of God.

Weakness of whatever kind can never be a barrier to what God can do in us, through us and with us. God wants us to take a bold step of faith by which we totally surrender ourselves to Him, admit and acknowledge our weaknesses, seek help and cooperate with His grace. The outcome will be marvelously surprising. And it is only then that we can confidently say with St Paul that “when we are weak, then we are strong” (cf. 2 Cor. 12:10).  


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