The Power of God's Word (Saturday, Week 1, Year 1)

Just a WORD from a commander-in-chief of a nation is enough to throw an entire nation into spirals of commotion and full-scale violence. Nations have been built on great ideas generated with WORDS. Kingdoms have collapsed on paucity of ideas or poor application of principles. Things have been SPOKEN INTO EXISTENCE. Things have also been SPOKEN OUT OF EXISTENCE. Words can CREATE and DESTROY. Words are imbued with so much power. Let us be careful with WORDS.

If human words are filled with such an enormous  power, what about the Eternal WORD of God? The Letter to the Hebrews describes the Word of God as “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart” (cf. Heb. 4:12). By His Words, God brought the universe into existence. Jesus the God-made-man made it clear to His disciples that  "His Words are SPIRIT and LIFE" (cf. Jn. 6:63).

As Jesus went out beside the sea, it is reported that a great crowd gathered around Him and He taught them (cf. Mk. 2:13-17). What else could have drawn such a crowd to him? His words and deeds! The Word with which He taught and spoke was powerful enough to pull them to His side. What could have made Levi a chief tax-collector (a man who was literally sitting on money) to abandon his lucrative job of collecting taxes and choose to follow Jesus? Certainly, Jesus’ words must have made deep impression on Him. While Jesus was in Levi’s house for a dinner, many tax collectors and sinners gathered around Him. What is it about Him (Jesus) that attracted such a class of people to Him? His words were golden! 

Jesus’ words are like a medicine for our sick souls, our troubled minds and our ailing consciences. His words have the power to revive our souls and gladden our hearts. His words have the power to communicate the grace of conversion, repentance and mercy to the most hardened sinner. His words have the power to communicate the grace of healing and mercy to the sick; to communicate peace to the most troubled heart. If His words could create the entire universe, those words still have the power to recreate and make us whole. Let us walk, work, speak and live in the light of His Word.


Lord, may the entrance of Your Word give me understanding; and recreate me into a more solid vessel for your use, Amen!

Have a restful weekend!


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