A New Covenant (Friday, Week 2, Year 1)

Let's be reminded that one of the reasons why the Letter to the Hebrews was written was to make the Jewish Christians understand that the New Covenant is superior to the Old Covenant; and that Christ came to mediate the New Covenant. This distinction between the old and the new is the crux of the discussion in Heb. 8:6-13.

In the Old Covenant, God’s laws were inscribed in the tablets of stone; but in the New Covenant, they will be written in the hearts and minds of His people. Someone likens the Old Covenant to a radio set and the New Covenant to a television. The Old Covenant is like a radio in the sense that in the Old Covenant the Word of God came through the prophets, the priests and kings; people heard God’s voice but they did not see His face. But in the New Covenant, the Word of God became a human person in the person of Jesus. Just like a television, in the New Covenant people did not only hear God’s voice, they saw Him in Jesus. All in all, Jesus mediated or brought about this new covenant between God and humanity. He established something new.

The task of establishing something new (something that will supplant the “old”) is very challenging and often met with stiff opposition.  And this explains the reason why the Pharisees, the chief priests and the Jewish elders never gave Jesus a breathing space during His public ministry. With such a great task lying ahead of Him, Jesus needed co-workers: He needed individuals with whom He would work. In Mark 3:13-19, He went up on the mountain and called those He desired that they may BE WITH HIM and then be sent out to preach and cast out demons. 

There are two things that we need to look at more closely: Why the choice of a mountain as a place for the call and formation of those who would work with Him? Why should they BE WITH HIM before going out to work? First, a mountain is a place of deep encounter with God, maybe because of its serenity. So, there was need for such an environment for a better encounter with Jesus before going forth to do the work of Jesus. Secondly, climbing a mountain is an arduous task. The very act of scaling the mountain as those who were called responded to the call of Jesus must have been a clear message to them that the task ahead of them would be an uphill task. In response to the second question, there was need for the disciples to BE WITH JESUS because without a personal encounter with Jesus, they would have no message to communicate.

The task of forming hearts, changing perspectives and introducing a new Christ-like way of thinking and living is no less arduous in our time as it was during the time when Jesus was physically present on earth. We are the contemporary disciples of Jesus, called by Him to continue with that task. But for us to be effective in that ministry, we must develop a habit of BEING WITH JESUS so that we may learn from Him and be empowered to work harder.


Lord, work on me so that I may be properly prepared to work for you, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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