Approach, radiate and appreciate the Light (Epiphany)

EPIPHANY is derived from the Greek word "epiphaneia" which simply means "manifestation". Generally, it means "an appearance or manifestation especially of a divine being". In a more restricted sense, within the context of today's feast, EPIPHANY is the manifestation, appearance or revelation of Jesus (who is God) to the Gentiles (or nations). In the Bible, especially in the gospels (cf. Luke 2:32 and Jn. 1:1ff), Jesus is profusely described as LIGHT. So, by this feast, we celebrate the manifestation of Jesus the true Light to the nations in a world enveloped in darkness. 

In John 1:11-12: “Jesus the true light came to what was his own, and His own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God”.

In other words, Jesus the light was shining in Jerusalem as an infant king; His light was radiating among His own people (the Jews) but they did not recognise or accept Him, neither did they believe in Him nor appreciate the power and glory of God at work in Him. In fact, His own people (the Jews) led by King Herod rather sought to quench the light and destroy the star shining in the person of Jesus the infant king.

As they (the Jews) sought to destroy the light shining in their midst, people (who were not even Jewish) saw the light (the star of the infant king) all the way from the East and travelled miles in order to offer Him gifts, worship, honor and recognize Him as King, God and Savior of the humankind.

On this feast of Epiphany of the Lord, let us be reminded of one fact: EPIPHANIES (understood as manifestations, revelations or shining forth of God’s light, power and glory) are not always rare and unusual experiences. They can as well be very ordinary. God continues to reveal Himself through the ordinary circumstances of life if we have the eyes to see and the ears to hear.

Herod, the Jewish chief priests and scribes did not need to travel to exotic lands in order to behold the manifestation or revelation of God's light and glory. That LIGHT was already shining in Jesus the baby king who was in their midst. But they refused to recognize and honor Him as such. Often, God manifests His glory and power through ORDINARY PEOPLE and EVENTS OF LIFE but often we are blind to see, recognize and appreciate those varied manifestations of God's light, power and glory around us. Sometimes, we even seek to persecute and destroy the agents of those divine manifestations instead of appreciating the reality of God's power and glory shining in and through them. But no matter what is done to quench the light, the truth is that light must always be triumphant over darkness. Let us ALWAYS appreciate the light and never think of destroying it. Herod tried but didn’t succeed.


May we be more powerfully illuminated by the light of Christ and learn to appreciate the the same light of Christ shining through all peoples, races, tribes, circumstances and events of life, Amen.

Have a BLESSED day and a more GLORIOUS, RADIANT and VICTORIOUS Year 2021!


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