He is here (Monday, Week 1, Year 1)


In the ancient times, the messages of the prophets densely whetted the “appetite” of the human race hungry and thirsty for liberation and redemption. The writer of the letter to the Hebrews tells us that: “Long ago God spoke to our ancestors in many and various ways by the prophets, but in these last days he has spoken to us by a Son” (Heb. 1:1-2). At last, God chose to reveal Himself much more concretely in the person of Jesus! This Word of God, spoken by the prophets, visibly and palpably took abode among us: appearing not in any other form, but in our form as humans.

Little wonder then why people responded promptly and gladly to Jesus’ call to discipleship (followership). In Mark 1:14-20, we are told that Simon and Andrew immediately left their nets and followed Him when He called them. The sons of Zebedee responded in the same manner when He called. In fact, “… they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and followed Jesus” (Mark 1:20). Why such a swift response, even to the point of leaving their father in the boat with the hired servants? In Jesus, they must have seen a treasure beyond compare! Having heard of who and what Jesus is, they had no other choice but to “leave” something in order to have “something” that is bigger, better and greater.

Having appeared once, Jesus still remains with us. He hasn't disappeared. He may not be in the form in which He was when He called His first set of disciples. In various ways and forms, He is still with us calling us to follow Him. Like the earlier apostles (Andrew, Simon, the sons of Zebedee and the rest), we may choose to respond swiftly to His call. Or, we may choose to continue to wait until we see “visions” and “dreams” before we respond to His call. No need waiting endlessly. He is right here. The person we search for in “shadows” is making His presence felt in the most concrete and palpable manner. Jesus is the final and most concrete revelation of God; He is with us as a Savior and Redeemer! The earlier we respond to His calls, the better for all of us. He may be calling us to speak kind words to those who feel unloved; or give a helping hand to someone in need; or feed the hungry; or clothe the naked; and so on.


Lord, as you continue to reveal Yourself to us in so many ways, help us discern well and respond swiftly to You whenever You call, Amen!

Have a fruitful day and week!


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