Our hearts and the Word of God (Wednesday, Week 3, Year 1)

Last Sunday (the Sunday of the Word of God), we began the week reflecting on the theme “the Word of God” with emphasis on our responsibility to listen to it, abide by it and propagate it. Today’s readings may help us reflect further on the Word of God, laying much more emphasis on our disposition to it.

In the New Covenant inaugurated by Christ, the laws and words of God will be written on minds and hearts, no longer on the tablets of stone on which it was originally written (cf. Heb. 10:11-18). Like a seed, the word of God has now found a new soil (that is, our hearts) in which it can be planted.

On one hand, there is the Word of God which Christ describes as seeds and on the other, there is the heart which is described as the soil in which the Word is to be planted (cf. Mk. 4:1-20). As there are different types of ground or soil, so there are different types of hearts and responses or reactions to the Word of God.

There are hearts that are like the pathways. When the word of God falls on such hearts, Satan quickly comes and takes it away. Such hearts do not create room for the conditions needed for germination, growth and viability of the Word of God; that is why it is prone to satanic invasion.

There are hearts that are like the rocky grounds. When the word of God falls on them, they receive it with joy and excitement: they clap their hands and nod their heads in affirmation, just to show that everything is clear and well received. There will be some signs of germination and growth in their hearts but when challenges come, the word quickly dies off because there is no adequate condition for the word to grow and bear fruits.

There are hearts that are thorny. When they receive the word of God, distractions (that is: the cares of the world, the delight in riches, the banal desires for pleasures) like thorns choke the word of God and makes it unproductive. But there are hearts that are like the good soil: very receptive to the Word of God. Such hearts receive the word of God, accept it and allow it to grow and bear much fruit as it reforms and transforms lives.

The question is: WHICH TYPE OF SOIL IS MY HEART?          


May the Word of God in all its richness find a good space in my heart where it can thrive and bear fruit, Amen!

Have a fruitful day!


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