Assurance and conviction (Saturday, Week 3, Year 1)

The Letter to the Hebrews defines FAITH as the ASSURANCE of things hoped for, the CONVICTION of things not seen (cf. Heb. 11:1). The letter further says that “by FAITH Abraham obeyed… by FAITH, he sojourned in a foreign land… by FAITH, Sarah received power to conceive even when she was past the age…. By FAITH Abraham, when tested, offered up Isaac…”; and so on.

From the above, we see that the FAITH of Abraham and Sarah became much more striking and noticeable when they found themselves in very challenging circumstances. Yes, they faced the storms of life but they focused more on God believing very strongly that God is bigger than the storms. In Mk. 4:35-41, the FAITHLESSNESS of the disciples was noticed when they found themselves in a storm. They faced the storms of the sea but did not take notice of the fact that someone bigger than the storms was right there with them in the boat.

It is one thing to shout, scream and confess that we belong to Jesus and that He is ever with us; but it is quite another to continue to believe that Jesus is still with us even in the storms. The presence of Jesus in the boat does not mean that there won’t be storms. When we take our eyes from Jesus and focus on the storms, peace vanishes and the storms become fiercer and more turbulent. But when we are always aware of His presence and of His power over the storms, we will have peace even in the midst of the storms. Am I really CONVINCED and ASSURED that Jesus is bigger than my problems?      


Jesus, I know and believe that You are bigger than the storms that I face. Help me focus more on You than on the storms of life, Amen!

Have a peaceful weekend!


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