Christ Our Identity (January 2)

Celebrating the birth of Christ is a means to an end not an end in itself. Christ became man for a purpose; He took flesh in the womb of Mary for a purpose; He was finally born for a purpose. All in all, He chose to identify with us so that it would be easier for us to identify with Him, learn from Him and be saved. That is the essence of the Christmas celebration!

We don’t just celebrate in order to eat, drink, enjoy, exchange gifts, meet and reunite with friends and family members. Essentially, we celebrate the Christmas season so that the mystery of Christ’s coming in the flesh may penetrate us and transform us (bring about some positive change in us). Christ chose to abide with us so that we can “abide in Him” (cf. 1 Jn. 2:26-28).

We are now one with Christ. We are now reconciled with the Father and are one with Him. We are now filled with the Spirit of Christ. Everything about us now is about Christ, nothing more nothing less! When life-threatening circumstances ask us “WHO ARE YOU?”, we are sure we have an answer to give. We are Christian. We are Christ's. We live in Christ and Christ lives in us: His truth abides in us; His essence is deposited in us and His power is in us. We can confidently say with St Paul that “It is no longer we who live, but it is Christ who lives in us” (Gal. 2:20). Christmas has a clear message for us: CHRIST HAS BECOME OUR IDENTITY; HE IS IN US, AND WE ARE IN HIM.  


As we celebrate the mystery of Christ who became one of us, may we continue to grow and mature in Him, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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