The Spirit is at work (Monday, Easter 6, 2021)

In today’s gospel (Jn. 15:26-16:4a), Jesus describes the Spirit as the Counselor and the Spirit of Truth. To counsel someone is to advise that person on a particular course of action. Of course, a counselor must have a wide range of knowledge on specific aspects of life.

A doctor may not qualify to counsel someone on religious matters. A priest may not qualify to counsel an astronaut on what to do in the space. As the Counselor, the Spirit is coming not to counsel us on a specific area of life but to lead us to all the truth: in every aspect of life, the Spirit is there to show us the way. But we can only be directed if we listen to His promptings.


Last Saturday, we read that as Paul and his colleagues went through Asian territories, the Holy Spirit told them not to preach the word. When they contemplated to enter Bithynia, the Holy Spirit advised them not to venture into the city. In clear obedience to the Holy Spirit, they continued with their missionary journey.

At Philippi, they had an experience which seemed to be a total failure from human point of view. After preaching to a large crowd of women, it is reported that it was ONLY one woman, Lydia, who heard them (cf. Acts 16:11-15). A very frustrating experience indeed! Imagine having spoken to a multitude and only one person seemed to have understood what you have spoken about. However, that seeming failure was never fatal because the Spirit was at work in Lydia who was specially touched by the preaching of the apostles.


If the apostles had given up on those women, they might not have ended up inspiring Lydia to seek baptism and believe in the Gospel. When we embark on doing what is right as directed by the Spirit, let us not allow ourselves to be drawn back by setbacks or challenges. The Spirit is always with us to direct us. We may not foresee what our little efforts could turn out to be in future. We may not foresee that those few words of advice may end up inspiring someone to change for good. The Spirit is always at work. Inasmuch as it is about God, failure can never be final or fatal. May the assurance of the Holy Spirit continue to be our courage and motivation!

Prayer intention:

That we may always open ourselves to the Holy Spirit for direction and guidance, Amen!

Have a Spirit-filled day!


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