The Profound Message of God’s Love (Saturday, Easter 6, 2021)

The Gospel of John seems to be deeper than the rest of the Gospels in terms of its theological content. Full of symbols and imageries! Many things are expressed in cryptic terms. Deeper reflection is needed for deeper understanding.

Jesus said to the disciples “I have told you this in figures of speech. The hour will come when I will no longer speak to you in figures but will speak clearly about the Father (cf. Jn. 16:25). The questions are: When is that “hour”? Is it after His Death, Resurrection and Ascension into heaven? Is it at Pentecost when the Spirit of Truth will come to open the minds of the disciples to understand all that He said? What exactly will that "hour" say about the Father? Too many questions! Too many speculations! 

In John’s gospel, the term “hour” is only used as a reference to the death of Jesus. One thing that Jesus always emphasized is that there would be an "hour" when He would be glorified. That Hour would be His Hour of Glory. And that was the hour when He suffered and died on the Cross.

What had that "hour" got to do with the Father? Jesus’ act of suffering and dying speaks clearly about the love the Father has for humanity. John 3:16 reads, “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son…” If not love, what else could have moved God the Father to let His Son to suffer and die shamefully on the cross? He suffered and died that we may live. The message of the cross is a message of love.

So, at the "hour" of His passion and death, Jesus clearly revealed the depth of His Father’s love for us. Of course, this was very difficult for the disciples to understand. That is why they needed the Holy Spirit to come, open their minds and lead them to the truth. It was by the direction of the same Spirit that Apollos spoke accurately about Jesus. In the strength of that Spirit, he was ever open to learn more about the way of God (cf. Acts 18:23-28). We too need the Holy Spirit if we must comprehend the profound message of God’s love for us.


May we be ever open to the Spirit that we may understand the deeper realities of our faith, Amen!

Have a restful weekend!


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