Beware of wolves (Wednesday, Easter 7, 2021)

Wolves are dangerously predatory: they aggressively feed on other animals. They invade not to befriend but to scatter, kill and destroy. One of the things that a shepherd must contend with is the invasion of wolves. In the wilds, shepherds and sheep are in constant danger, wary of wolves and other dangerous animals. 


Having spent some time in Ephesus, Paul envisioned some form of infiltration of the Church of Ephesus by ravenous religious “wolves” or predators. As a Greek city, Ephesus was a centre of learning and citadel of knowledge. Of course, in such a city, many false teachers must have arisen claiming to be teachers of the truth. The same can be said about Africa. Africans are notoriously religious. In such a clime, folks with dubious intentions will continue to put up business centers otherwise known as “churches” where they rein in their preys, take advantage of their gullibility and feast on them with reckless abandon.


The danger that St Paul foresaw in Ephesus was the possibility of false teachers snatching away the Christians that he had formed in faith (cf. Act 20:28-38). To the elders of the Church of Ephesus, he said, “I know that after my departure, fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock.” Paul enjoined them to be alert, and commended them to God and to His word (which has the power to build them up).


Christ was also very much aware that after His departure, false teachers would infiltrate the community of believers, spread false doctrines and cause division. Thus, He earnestly prayed for His followers, that the Father may consecrate them in the truth, for His word is truth (cf. Jn. 17:11b-17).


We don’t need a soothsayer to tell us that fierce “wolves” still abound even in our time. They are smartly donned in sheep’s clothing, looking for gullible preys to feast on. Their attacks are more vicious than anything you can ever imagine. To shield yourself from their attacks, fence yourself with the undiluted Word of God which is truth. Never forget that the most effective defense against their onslaught is the Bible, the Word of God.


Christ said that He has given us God’s word; and the world has hated us (cf. Jn. 17:14). When we make effort to live by the dictates of God’s word, we must be ready to fall out with the world for choosing not to align ourselves with its standard. 

Let us not be brainwashed to believe all that the rapacious religious wolves "teach" or tell us. We must be disciplined enough to apply ourselves to learn and abide by the sound teachings of the Bible and the faith. We must beware of “wolves”! They are not far from us. They are even at our doorsteps.  


O Spirit of Truth, come and lead us to all the truth, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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