Nothing like Secret Christianity (Saturday, Easter 7, 2021)

Someone calls himself a SECRET CHRISTIAN. But “secret Christianity” is nothing but a contradiction in terms. To describe oneself as a secret Christian is as absurd as saying that there’s an invisible sun. By nature, sun has been configured to shine and to be visible. By profession, a Christian has been configured to bear witness to Christ. And to bear witness is all about striving to allow the light of Christ shine through us. Of course, such a lifestyle can’t be secret; otherwise it becomes a gross contradiction. And that is why Jesus describes His followers as the light of the world. Light is meant to shine for everyone to see. It is not meant to be lit and hidden.


The apostles and the early Christians were a group of people whose lives were like light very bright and visible to all. They never ceased from bearing witness even when conditions were unfavorable. Paul’s face-off with the Jews catapulted him to Rome where though bound with chains he still radiated the light of Christ for others to see (cf. Acts 28:16-20.30-31). The chains and manacles never deterred him from professing his faith. He bore witness even in very unfavorable conditions.


Some people think that bearing witness to Jesus must involve the physical shedding of blood. This is not true. John the evangelist did not physically shed his blood in order to be counted as someone who has borne witness to Christ. In his own ways, he bore witness unto old age. The insightful letters and the gospel which he wrote testify to that (cf. Jn. 21:20-25).


What am I doing as my own way of bearing witness to Christ? In our time, real Christianity is no longer seen in authentic witnessing but in sham pragmatism and religious emotionalism. Many of us go to church just to have a sense of belonging but when duty calls for us to bear witness, we backtrack. There are so many church-goers, but very few Christians. Allowing the light of Christ to shine through us is what it means to be a Christian. Remember: the light of Christ does not and should not DAZZLE; it SHOWS the way.


May the Spirit continue to empower us to bear authentic and lasting witness in the world, Amen!

Have a restful weekend!


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