In the spirit of love (Thursday, Easter 5, 2021)

In the First Council of the Church held in Jerusalem, the apostles deliberated on the issue of circumcision as it relates to admission into the Christian fold. Conservative Jewish converts strongly advocated that Gentile converts must be circumcised before they could become Christians. Obviously, this became a thorn in the flesh of the early church.

Gathered in Jerusalem in a spirit of prayer, love and oneness, the apostles finally ruled that no one (not excluding the Gentile converts) should ever be burdened with the ritual of circumcision (cf. Acts 15:7-21). On this, Peter remarked, “God gave the Gentiles the Holy Spirit just as He did to us; and he made no distinction between us and them”. Finally, James the head of the Jerusalem assembly ruled, “We should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God”. In the spirit of love, equity, fairness and oneness, the matter was resolved.

We will continue to be strangers to each other as long as we continue to overlook the incontrovertible truths of the Scriptures. That's why many of us continue to create divisions and distinctions when “God had made no distinction among us”. That's why many of us have chosen to abide in hate even when Christ has commanded us to “abide in His love” (cf. Jn. 15:9).

If we can bring love back to our relationships, most (if not all) of the problems bedeviling us will disappear at once. If we can think again and learn that God has not recruited anyone to fight for Him as reflected in certain things that we do or say for the sake of God, our sad narrative will certainly change for good. 



May the Spirit of love quench the fire of hatred that rages in our hearts, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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