Trust in God always (Friday, Lent 5)

The Psalmist, expressing his total trust in God, exclaims: “In my anguish I cried to God for help; and He HEARD me” (Psa. 18:6). In Jer. 20:10-13, the prophet Jeremiah recounted his ordeals from familiar friends because he was a harbinger of truth and advocate of justice. In Jn. 10:31-42, Jesus was almost stoned and arrested by the Jews on account of the truth. In all of their trials and ordeals, God was apparently silent. From the human point of view, their lives may have ended tragically. But from God’s point of view, it was a glorified ending.


One thing we must learn is the GREAT FAITH and TRUST in God expressed by Jeremiah and Jesus even in their trying moments. In this God who seemed to be silent and deaf to his ordeals, Jeremiah placed his faith and trust. Ant that is why he said: “But the Lord is with me as a dreaded warrior; therefore my persecutors will stumble, they will not overcome me” (Jer. 20:11). Though, Jeremiah may not have physically experienced God’s assistance, but still he was very much assured that God was aware of his trials and that He would surely vindicate him.

Awareness of God’s presence and vindication must have also propelled Jesus to continue to stand with the truth. The stones that the Jews picked to hurl at Him did not deter Him. His consolation is found in His words: “the Father is in me and I am in the Father” (cf. Jn. 20:38). On account of His courageous testimony, we even are told that “many people believed in him there” (Jn. 20:42).


Keep doing the good work that you do despite the “flying stones” and venomous secretions of the enemies of the truth. Jeremiah was not deterred despite criticisms, denunciations and persecutions. Jesus remained committed to the cause of truth despite the “stones”, attempts of arrest and persecution. Insofar as you stand for truth, be ready to face the “flying stones”, bitter criticisms and persecutions. In all these, know that God is not and will never be silent, even though He may appear to be. There must be VINDICATION at last. 


May the God of truth strengthen us to stand  for the truth ALWAYS despite criticisms and trials, Amen!

Have a fruitful Lenten journey!


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