Not to Destroy but to Fulfil the Laws (Wednesday, Lent 3)

The Scriptures have consistently emphasized that the commandments of God are our roadmaps to life. What it then means is that willful deviation from them obviously leads to death. In Deut. 4:1.5-9 and 30:15.19, Moses enjoined the people of Israel to give heed to the commandments and do them that they may live. The implication is that a deviation from the commandments would lead to death. Moses passionately appealed to them to CHOOSE life so that they and their descendants may live. The choice was theirs. The choice is ours too!

In Jn. 6:63c, Christ the new Moses spoke to the Jews that “the words (and commandments of God) which He has come to preach (and fulfil) are Spirit and Life”. In Jn. 6:68, Peter confirmed that indeed Christ has the words of eternal life.

When these words come to us, they are meant to help us make the right choice. The MERITS of obeying and the CONSEQUENCES of disobeying the commandments are very clear to us. We cannot choose to disobey and expect to get the rewards of obedience. No! It does not work that way. Christ came to FULFIL the commandments of God, not to abolish them (cf. Matt. 5:17-19). Why should we then think that we can maneuver our way and be at peace with God when we continue to intentionally disregard, maliciously rewrite and even seek to Abolish what Christ came to fulfil?

Our world has completely chosen to maliciously rewrite what God has ordained. God said that man and woman should be joined in marriage; but the world says that man and man, woman and woman can also be joined in marriage. God says that life is sacred and must be protected. The world says that we are free to quench the life of the unborn child if we feel so. Maybe, we have to listen to Christ once again as He tells us that He did not come to abolish the laws, but to fulfil them. Are we fulfilling the eternal and immutable laws of God or are we in lieu with those who have chosen to work against the statues of God and the promptings of their consciences?


Lord, your statues are our delight. Help us to abide by them, for you have the words of eternal life, Amen!

Have a fruitful Lenten journey!


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