Am I with Christ or against Him (Thursday, Lent 3)

In the fourth week of Lent, the emphasis of the readings seem to be on the commandments (or law) of God. In Deut. 4 and Deut. 30:15.19, Moses told the Israelites that the commandments are the route they must follow in order to arrive at life. As we have it in today's reading, Jeremiah takes it out on the Israelites for being a stiff-necked people, for being obstinate and unyielding in their observance of the law (or commandments) of the Lord (cf. Jer. 7:23-28).

Christ has summarized those commandments in one word: LOVE. His mission on earth was to UPHOLD, PROMOTE AND FULFIL THE IDEAL OF LOVE. To be on His side (cf. Luke 11:23) is to promote what He upholds: to work for the fulfillment of the law of love. To be against Him is to work against Christian charity. In Luke 11:14-23, Christ performed a work of love: He cast out a demon from a demon-possessed. And some people accused Him of working with the power of the prince of demons. In other words, He was accused of being on the side of the devil.

However, in all conscience, we must admit that those who were really demon-possessed were those who saw goodness and misinterpreted it as evil: Christ did the work of love and it was interpreted as demonic. In our time, many of us are too quick to dismiss good acts as evil and ill-intentioned. We must be careful and circumspect in our utterances/evaluations or else we may end up ignorantly interpreting the work of God as satanic or demonic. Please know this: Christ is always on the side of love; the devil is always on the side of wickedness.

If my attitudes in any way frustrate the flow of Christian charity, what it means is that I am not on the side of Christ. And anyone who is not on the side of Christ is obviously (and logically) on the side of the Satan. This is the real demonic possession which we must be worried about.


Lord, keep my feet firm in following your tracks of love and goodness, Amen!

Have a fruitful Lenten journey!


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