God needs Our "YES" (Sol. of Annunciation, Mar. 25)

Isaiah 7:10-14; 8:10 will be better understood in its historical context. Around 733 BC, Syria and Israel were planning to invade Judah (i.e. Jerusalem) because Judah had refused to join them in revolting against Assyria. Because of this threat from Syria and Israel, Ahaz (the king of Judah) and the entire people of Judah were thrown into confusion and fear. Isaiah went to Ahaz; encouraged him not to fear, and invited him to put his trust in God (cf. Isa 7:4-9).

However, Ahaz did not listen to the word of the prophet; and the consequence was terrible. He suffered great humiliations from the Assyrians; and Judah was forced to pay heavy tributes. To encourage Ahaz once again to entrust himself and the entire nation to God’s help, Isaiah then gave him a sign that “a VIRGIN shall CONCEIVE and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel” (Isa 7:14) which means GOD-WITH-US (cf. Isa 8:10).

We now understand that this promise was later fulfilled in Christ the Emmanuel. But how was it fulfilled? Through the acceptance of Mary! Through her “YES” to the message that the angel brought (Lk 1:30-35.38)! At the annunciation, the highpoint of Mary’s encounter with the angel was when she said: “BEHOLD, I AM THE HANDMAID OF THE LORD; LET IT BE TO ME ACCORDING TO YOUR WORD” (Lk 1:38). As from that moment, Christ (the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity) took flesh in Mary’s womb. Divinity overshadowed her; and the entire glory of God enveloped her. That is the power of saying “YES” to God! Mary’s “YES” restructured God’s relationship with humanity. God fully came down in order to save us, thanks to the “YES” of Mary.  

By the virtue of our state as Christians, we have opened wide our mouths to say “YES” to God and have accepted do His will (cf. Heb 10:7; Ps 40:8a.9a). The Feast of Annunciation reminds us that Mary is a trailblazer. Her “YES” to God changed the course of history. We are all Christians today, thanks to Mary! We have all being redeemed, thanks to Mary! We have received divine life, thanks to Mary for her acceptance, for her "YES-to-God"! A “YES-to-God” has the power to transform us and change things for good if we are sincere with ourselves and with God. Let’s look up to Mary and learn from her!


God, may Your will, Your plans and purposes be fulfilled in our lives as we renew our "YES" commitment to you, Amen!

Have a fruitful Lenten journey!


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