Who is an Antichrist (December 31)
WHO IS AN ANTICHRIST? “Antichrist” is a word everyone is almost familiar with. But who is an antichrist? In contemporary Christianity, the word “antichrist” seemed to have assumed a very ridiculous meaning. For most people, an “antichrist” is that frightening fire-vomiting hydra-headed beast or that grotesque human-like creature with horns and so on whose sole mission is to stamp people with the so-called number 666 (a mark of the beast) and killing those who refuse to cooperate. What a laughable description! In our time, we are flooded with such conspiracy theories that project all sorts of outlandish ideas about the identity and mission of the antichrist (who or what the antichrist is AND what the antichrist has come to do). The Bible specifically describes an ANTICHRIST as “anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ; anyone who denies that the Father and the Son are one (1 Jn. 2:22); or anyone who does not confess that Jesus came in the flesh” (1 Jn. 4:2-3; 2 Jn. 1:7). To deny ...