The New Law (Thursday, Week 10, Year 1, 2021)

Jesus gave His disciples a new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you” (cf. John 13:34). To those who really understand what Christianity is all about, this may appear to be one of the most profound and refreshing teachings of Jesus.


He calls LOVE a new commandment, maybe a new law through which every other law or commandment finds its true meaning, relevance and sense. Anyone who loves cannot be a slave to any law. In all honesty, nothing is as liberating as love. St Augustine is known to have said: “Love, and do whatever you like!”


The “old law” came from Moses; the new law came from Jesus. Being overly concerned with the old law just like the Pharisees is like covering one’s face with a veil. In 2 Cor. 3:15-4:1.3-3, St Paul says that such veil can only be removed when one turns to the Lord (the new lawgiver) through whom every other law ought to find its true interpretation, meaning and sense. Through the Lord who is Spirit, we get a better understanding of the law. And when the law is better understood, properly situated and charitably applied, then we can enjoy the freedom that comes with it.


Stretching it further, any person who has experienced and known the liberating power of the commandment or law of love will never and can never be chained by the compulsion of the flesh; will never and can never be cowed by the threats of other laws. Such a person will refrain from doing anyone any harm. Such a person “will not be liable to judgement or to any council” (cf. Matt. 5:20-26) Let us continue to love, for love still remains the be-all and the end-all of our existence. 


Lord Jesus, may we understand what love truly means and be empowered to love without reservation, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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