Gratitude (Saturday, Week 9, Year 1, 2021)

Having accomplished his mission, when it was time for Angel Raphael to leave, Tobit and his family responded in gratitude (cf. Tobit 12:1.5-15.20). It was within the context of show of appreciation that the angel fully revealed himself as one of the seven holy angels (messengers of God) who present the prayers of the people and enter into the presence of the glory of God. The angel reminded Tobit of all the good things he (Tobit) had done and admonished him and his family to continue to live a life of gratitude.


Gratitude is an attitude of the heart but not locked up in the heart. It must always be expressed. A grateful person must be consumed with love: love for God and love for his neighbour. Tobit’s acts of love and generosity were powerful testimonies to his life of gratitude. Despite the difficulties he faced, he still gave thanks to God by living righteously and generously. No matter how difficult life is to us, we cannot deny the fact that God has been so good to us. And the best response we can give is a response of gratitude.


When we give thanks, we don’t count our millions before God, we count our blessings which come from Him. Gratitude is not an empty show of wealth but a humble response to the love and generosity of God. It must spring from the heart. A grateful person is not known by large sums of money, but known for the largeness of his heart: a heart large enough to accommodate the others and think about God. Yes, the poor widow was not wealthy in her money bag but she was wealthy in the heart. That is why Christ singled her out and praised her (cf. Mark 12:38-44).


How grateful am I? How wealthy is my heart? What more can I do to show God that I am grateful? Just like the poor widow, am I ready to give God all my heart, to give Him everything I have in response to His love, mercy and generosity towards me? I am not mandated to go to the Church and drop sums of money into the offertory box in order to show how grateful I am. The fragrance of a grateful heart must not only be perceived in the Church. Neighbours must also have a share of it.



Lord, you’ve been so good to us . May we always respond in gratitude, Amen!

Have a restful weekend!


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