Love, the Greatest of All Commandments (Thursday, Week 9, Year 1, 2021)

Love is so powerful. For the sake of love, unimaginable things have been said and done. Isn’t it unthinkable that God could decide to take flesh and become a human being? But He actually took flesh and became man, thanks to love. Won’t it be utterly ridiculous that God would choose to suffer and die in order to save the human race? But He suffered and died for our salvation, thanks to love. We can go on and on!

Tobit 6:9-12; 7:1.9-12.16; 8:1.4-9 is a continuation of the story of a woman who couldn’t secure a lasting marriage because of a demon whose stock in trade was to kill any man who ventured into marriage with her. This fact alone should have scared Tobias from thinking of entering into marriage with her. However, propelled by love, Tobias did the unthinkable: he married Sarah; and filled with faith, they recommended themselves to the mercy and protection of God.

Without love, we are nothing; without love, we can’t do any good. In 1 Cor. 12:31, St Paul describes love as the “greatest gift” and the “more excellent way”. Little wonder then why Jesus told the scribe in Mark 12:28-34 that there is no other commandment greater than love: love of God and love of neighbour. Anyone who truly and sincerely loves can sacrifice or do anything for the sake of the beloved.  


Right now, there seems to be more hate in the world than ever before. The fact that we became human persons by the infusion of the Spirit of God (who is love) should remind us that we were created to love not to hate. The love energy that God put in us is so powerful that with it certain things shouldn’t be too difficult for us to achieve. But in the main, we have chosen hate instead of love. That is why we are still where we are today: still trapped in the vicious circle of wickedness, inhumanity and brute mentality.  


May we truly as God has loved us, Amen!

Have a blessed day!


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