Let Your Yes be Yes(Tuesday, Week 10, Year 1)

In 2 Cor. 1:16-17, Paul wrote about his initial plan of visiting Corinth; but for reasons best known to him, he later changed his travelling plans. Apparently, some Corinthians criticised him for this change of plans, maybe having a wrong impression of him as someone who is fickle-minded, insincere and unreliable. 

In response, Paul swore by God's truth that there's no YES and NO about what they (Paul, Timothy and Sylvanus) told the Corinthians (cf. 2 Cor. 1:18ff). It was also a good opportunity for Paul to remind the Corinthians that there's no YES and NO in God, no YES and NO in the Lord Jesus Christ: He is always YES. God is always reliable, trustworthy and unchanging.

What can we learn from the above? The point is this: Since God is reliable and trustworthy, those who identify with and work for Him are expected to be and should actually be seen to be reliable, sincere and worthy of trust. And that's why Jesus taught in Matt. 5:37: "Let your Yes be Yes and your No be No. Anything more than this is from the evil one". 

A beautiful illustration in Matt. 5:13-16 comes in handy here. Jesus described his disciples as light of the world and salt of the earth. A light cannot but be light. Light cannot be light today and be darkness tomorrow. It is and does what it is known for. It cannot be hidden. Its nature is to shine, and it must always shine for all to see. In a similar vein, salt cannot but be salt. It cannot choose to be salt today and be sand tomorrow. It's in its nature to flavor, season and preserve. If it loses its saltiness, it is thrown out to be trampled underfoot.

Christians are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. As salt, we are to flavor, season and preserve the earth and everything in it. As light, we are to shine for everyone to see. We can't choose to shine for everyone today and cause darkness tomorrow. We can't choose to be "salt" today and be an "acid" tomorrow.  We can't choose to be Christians today and be something else tomorrow. We must always prove to be trustworthy, reliable,sincere and true to our calling.


Lord Jesus, may our lives prove to all that we are the salt of the earth and the light of the world!

Have a blessed day!


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