Be an Inspiration (Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, May 31, 2021)
There's an old expression that is never trite in usage; a group of words that may appear to be hackneyed but never timeworn; very inspiring and always expressive of complete meaning and sense. In a very beautifully crafted King James English, that expression reads: IRON SHARPENETH IRON. This is what we celebrate today. We call to mind the meeting of two women: an ordinary event which turned out to be an extraordinary flow of events. An ordinary visitation which paved way for a SPECIAL VISITATION OF GOD. Mary didn't just arise to visit Elizabeth. She visited for a purpose. When you take a quick look at the preceding section of today's gospel reading, it is said that the angel of the Lord informed Mary of the pregnancy of her old relative Elizabeth (cf. Luk 1:36) in order to prove to her that there's nothing impossible for God. After some time, Mary set out to visit Elizabeth: probably not to confirm whether the message of the angel was true or not, for she had already ...