Responding to Insults and Oppositions (Monday, Holy Week)

Many of us hardly treat injustice, attacks, criticisms and insults with kid gloves especially when we are at the receiving end. Consciously or unconsciously, we often react in a certain way to injustice, ridicules and insults. In response to attacks, insults and injustice, some people choose to do or say nothing; while others choose violence or force. To be silent, to endure insults and to suffer injustice quietly without doing anything to correct it is not a good approach. Anyone who consciously chooses to do nothing about evil or injustice passively collaborates in it and encourages it to thrive. Using force or violence shouldn’t be a good approach either. Of course, violence destroys more than it intends to correct. We know what has become of those societies or countries that have employed extreme form of violence or force in correcting injustice. In Isaiah 42:1-7, Isaiah talked about the “SUFFERING SERVANT” whom he described as “not crying or lifting up his voice, or making it hear...