The "Beast" of the Book of Revelation



Carefully go through today's Catholic readings (Revelation 15:1-4 and Luke 21:12-19) and take note of the following:

Revelation 15:2 makes reference to "those who had conquered the BEAST singing the song of Moses, the song of victory, the song of the Lamb".

Please, WHAT or WHO do you think is the word "BEAST" referring to?

Do you think that a certain huge and fiery beast will appear at a certain time in history to attack Christians because they are Christians?

Don't waste your time thinking about it. Nothing of that nature will appear in that form to attack anyone. 

As you think further, just note that the Book of Revelation was written during one of the bloodiest times in the history of Christianity in the Ancient Roman Empire. Christians of that time used coded languages and expressions to describe their ordeals. Most of those figurative or coded expressions are scattered in the Book of Revelation. Examples are expressions like THE BEAST, BABYLON THE HARLOT, 666, DRAGÓN, ANTICHRIST, and so on.

These expressions are metaphorical, figurative and coded. They should not be understood literally or as they are. 

The BEAST, DRAGON, BABYLON THE HARLOT and few other metaphorical expressions used in the Book of Revelation refer to the Roman Empire of that time, an empire that persecuted Christians.

In our own time just as it was during the time of those ancient Christians, we will never see any physical beast, dragon or whatever that will come and attack us on account of our Christian faith.

However, any situation or person that forces us to compromise our faith and fidelity to Christ is a "BEAST". 

By way of extrapolation, the "BEAST" of the Book of REVELATION is a metaphorical figure that stands for or points to ANY AGENT of PERSECUTION; and persecution can come in different forms and ways, even through family members, relatives and closest friends.

Who or what is that beast tempting or forcing you to compromise your faith, prompting you to stand for falsehood, challenging or prodding you to take the path of bribery, corruption and evil in order to succeed in life? 

Inasmuch as you have chosen to stand with Christ, to stand for truth, justice and moral rectitude, be ready to face the "BEAST".

The "BEAST" of financial difficulties, family problems, peer pressure, modernism, globalism and worldliness will sometimes stare you in the face just to make you compromise your faith in Christ. 

Always strive to be among those who will sing songs of victory in heaven on account of their victory over the BEAST (cf. Rev.15:2).

When Jesus said in Luke 21:16-17 that "You will be delivered up by parents and brothers and kinsmen and friends; that you will be hated by all and possibly put to death on account of my name", know that He is making reference to the "BEAST" which can appear in various forms and attack you in a more ferocious manner. 

Jesus says that when it happens, "it will be a time for you to bear testimony" (Luke 21:13).

Has your closest friend or family member or relative or kinsman or someone else ever tempted or suggested that you should do something unacceptable to Christ? Just know that the BEAST is not far away from you!

It comes in various ways, forms, shapes and figures. Don't bind and cast such "beasts"! Just seize the opportunity of their appearance as "a time for you to bear testimony" (Luke 21:13).

It is only during such moments that you will prove how FAITH-FILLED you are. Your faith will not be shown or proven because of the frequency of your church attendance or because of the fact that you "pray" and people "fall" under the influence of "anointing" or because you speak in tongues or do "miracles" like "raising" the death or "healing" the sick.

Your faith will shine forth only when it has been subjected to fire, just as raw gold shines or glistens when it has been subjected to the refining heat/fire.

When the "BEAST" comes close to you, when the FURNACE of PERSECUTION OR TRIALS fires you up, know that it is time for you to shine, a great moment for your faith to sparkle and glisten. Don't fail Christ!


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