Be Proactive, Be Ready, Be Prepared (Thursday, Week 33, Year 2)

Before the Moslem invasion of the entire North Africa, that strip was entirely Christian. But there were obvious signs that such invasion would possibly happen because the Moslems were already coming with force from Mecca conquering and being conquered, yet the Church of the Middle Ages was taken unawares. The Church was not proactive enough in response to that impending danger. The theologians and bishops were rather busy correcting heresies, defending and arguing about doctrines. 

A similar thing happened to the Jews: there were obvious signs of future destructions and ruins which they should have prevented if they had toed the path of peace. Rather, they were busy engaging in political maneuverings and battle with the Romans. This led to the very devastating destruction of the Great Temple built by Solomon and rebuilt by Herod. If the Jews had abandoned their dreams of political power and taken the way of Christ who was in their midst, such devastation would not have happened. God visited them in the person of Christ with the message of peace and love (cf. Luke 19:41-44). But they did not recognize that visitation. 

The Book of Revelation is a vision of the things that would happen at the end of time: the scary and very strange events that will take place at the end time. But one thing we must not forget is that it is not going to be only devastations and destructions; there will also be songs of victory for those who will stand firm till the end. And that is what today’s portion (cf. Rev. 5:1-10) is telling us: the vision of the Holy One sitting on the throne with a scroll sealed with seven seals. Probably, that very scroll contained great secrets, the will of God and the pronouncements of the Most High. It is great to learn that it was only the Lamb who was slain that could receive and open the scroll. And after that, came the songs of victory for the Lamb. It should be a revelation that should fill us with hope and confidence to keep on living and struggling against whatever that could render us ineligible to be part of the winning team of heaven, the great heavenly choir singing the victories of Jesus.


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