Preparing for the Kingdom (Tuesday, Week 30, Year 2)

The Psalmist says that HAPPY ARE ALL WHO FEAR THE LORD (Psalm 128:1a). Other translations have it as: “Blessed are all who fear the Lord”. In fact, I wonder how there will be happiness in this world if there is no fear of God. If the fear of God is not in any way at the basis of our actions, thoughts and inactions, I am very sure that this world will be more terrible than it currently is. If there is no fear of God in society, crime will escalate; and people will be at the mercy of others. When fear of God vanishes from relationships, selfishness takes over. When fear of God is lacking in a marriage or family, love becomes a burden and the family becomes a battle ground.

St Paul writes to the Ephesians (cf. Eph. 5:21-33) to tell them that marriage is not just an idea that should be subject to individual’s whims and caprices. No one should get into marriage to do whatever he or she likes. Marriage is instituted to visibly reflect the love in the Godhead, the love between Christ and the Church. And that is why St Paul began by saying: “Be subject to one another out of reverence for Christ. Wives, be subject to your husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the family as Christ is the head of the Church.” We did not hear that Jesus bullied the Church; rather, He loved the Church and sacrificed himself for her. At one of the pre-marriage counseling sessions I had with intending couples, I told the men that any time I hear that a man raises his hand against his wife I may be tempted not to regard him as a human being anymore.

The gospel talks about the Kingdom of God (cf. Luke 13:18-21). We are all hopeful to inherit the kingdom of God. And what is this kingdom? When we prayerfully reflect on “Our Father” Prayer, we will discover that this kingdom of God is that place where the will of God perfectly done. And the will of God for us in whatever relationship we find ourselves most especially in the marital relationship is that our actions must reflect the love Christ expressed for the Church. It is those little acts of love and kindness from all of us that will bring about a great kingdom of love and peace where God reigns. And that is why Jesus compares the kingdom to the grain of mustard seed which grows and blossoms into a giant tree. That is why he compared it to a leaven which spreads so gradually and easily.

With a holy fear for God, let us continue to love and cherish one another until we succeed in establishing a network of kindness and a kingdom of love and peace in the world.     



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