Christian Warfare (Friday, Week 30, Year 2)

We come to the end of St Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians. Softly but very persuasively he says to them, “Finally, brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might” (cf. Eph. 6:10-20). And he goes further to use certain terms to describe how they can be strong in the Lord: take the WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD; fasten the BELT OF TRUTH; put on the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS; shoe your feet with the EQUIPMENT OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; take the SHIELD OF FAITH; take the HELMET OF SALVATION and the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT which is the Word of God. These items (“armor”, “belt”, “breastplate”, “shoe”, “shield”, “helmet” and “sword”) are all military equipment: they are items that every soldier must have before he goes to a battleground. 

In all these, St Paul reminds the Ephesians that Christian life is real warfare; a real battle. In fact, every Christian ought to know that he or she is already in a battleground. This warfare is more sophisticated because we are not fighting against flesh and blood, not fighting seen forces but unseen forces: St Paul describes them as “principalities, powers, rulers of present darkness and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the sky”. From all these, we see that our situation as Christians is desperate, scary and extremely serious. And desperate situations demand desperate measures. For a Christian to remain strong in the Lord as he or she fights, he or she must fasten the truth as belt, must put on righteousness as breastplate, must wear the gospel of peace as shoe, must have faith as shield, must wear salvation as helmet and must have the Word of God as sword. The truth that we must be told at all times is that Christianity is not a platform for merry-making and entertainment; it is not a platform for lectures or speeches on material success or worldly conquest. It is real warfare: not a battle against human beings who we describe as witches, not a battle against the environment when we cut down trees in the name of fighting the devil. It is warfare against evil in its varied manifestations. And it does not call for physical killing and destruction of the environment or properties. We are already in that battleground but many of us do not have the protective and attacking materials needed for a successful engagement on the battleground.

When Jesus was on His mission on earth, it was always a battle: against the demons, against ignorance which ravaged the people, against His own people, against the Pharisees and the religious leaders, and so on. And the final battle was in Jerusalem where He triumphed over death, sin and evil by dying on the Cross and rising on the third day. In the gospel reading (cf. Luke 13:31-35), some Pharisees wanted to scare him by telling him that Herod was coming for His head. He told them that He must go on to Jerusalem for it cannot be that a prophet should perish away from Jerusalem. Jesus was not perturbed; He was fully equipped and made up His mind to get onto to the highpoint of the battle which will be staged in Jerusalem.

We are already in the battleground: fighting against evil, against sin, the flesh, the world, principalities and powers and unseen forces of the sky. Let us not throw in the towel. We have a whole military gear and equipment at our disposal. If we must be victorious, we need the grace of God and we must be in the right disposition with the right fighting equipment.    



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