You are worth more than a "herd of swine" (Tuesday, Week 13, Year II)

Events of recent times have proven beyond reasonable doubt that humanity seems to have placed more value on other things than on the dignity of the human person. Every act of man’s inhumanity to man is premised on our propensity to sacrifice human dignity on the altar of material and selfish gains.  

When the prophet Amos cried that justice should roll down like waters, he was challenging and highlighting the hypocrisy of a people who trample upon the needy and then come to the temple to offer burnt and peace offerings of cereals and fatted beasts.

The miracle of the healing of the Gadarene demoniacs not only reveals the love and compassion of God but also exposes the hypocrisy and wickedness of human beings. Gadara was a Greek (Gentile) territory; and this may account for the breeding of swine in the area. Of course, Jews have nothing to do with swine because, according to their laws, pigs are unclean animals. Certainly, the herd of swine was being reared for material gains: rearing for sales and profit. In the presence of Jesus, demons left the two men they possessed and entered that herd of swine which rushed into the sea and perished. What was the immediate reaction of the people of Gadara? They came out and begged Jesus to leave. For them then, it is better to have the swine (their source of material gains) than to see their fellow human beings (the two demoniacs) well and sound. 

This event is enough to remind us that we live in a world where human lives are valued less than material gains. Sometimes, we hardly care or feel concerned about the welfare of others as long as our interests are intact. Often we pretend as if we love and care about others when we are trying to secure some vested material and selfish interest(s). In recent times, human dignity seems to have been more seriously degraded than ever before. 

Jesus came that we, human beings, may have life and have it to the full (cf. John 10:10). He came in our flesh in order to upgrade what has been degraded by sin and injustice. He came to place much higher value on what was devalued by selfishness and pursuit of pleasure. You and I are people of great value and worth, thanks to the intervention of Christ. In our thoughts, words and attitude towards ourselves and towards others, let us not forget that all of us are worth more than “a herd of swine”.    



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